JMH Innovations LLC

FlyRes – The Web Flight Reservation System


For whom is this software program meant?

FlyRes – the Web Flight Reservation system, the name stands for itself, is a web-based utility program for aircraft / flight reservations.
The targeted groups are aero clubs.

What can I do with this program?


The script has to be installed on a server that supports MySQL and PHP and any logged in user can make aircraft / flight reservations through his Internet browser conveniently from his desk.

In order to inform other user about aircraft reservations, reservation changings or cancellations, this program provides the opportunity to do this via e-mail.

As an option, for every aircraft an administrator can be registered. When this is done, only administrators have the rights to do reservations or any changes.

In the monthly overview one can get a quick impression about the availability of the aircrafts.

It is possible to select a day from the monthly overview, which the system then displays in the daily overview in detail.

And the best is… it‘s free of costs!

The FlyRes Web Flight Reservation system is Open Source Software. It is subject to the "GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE" which, as is common for all Open Source Licensing, means that you are allowed to freely copy, modify and pass on the script to others.


  • PHP5 5.6
  • MySQL 5.7
  • Apache (mod_rewrite)


Convince yourself of the comprehensive functionalities of this web-aircraft reservation program and try here the Online-Live-Demo.

This Demo-version includes all features of the full-version -- only the sending of e-mails is deactivated.

You may test the FlyRes - web-aircraft reservation program.

Use our contact form to ask for the download link.

If you have questions or need help, please don‘t hesitate to contact us. We are glad to help with the installation and are able to provide you with the hardware as well.

Bug Fixes / ChangeLog and ReadMe

Recent bug fixes are stored under ChangeLog.

The README file contains informations about installation and updates for older versions.